

Original price was: ₹3,500.00.Current price is: ₹2,999.00.


  • Introduction to CSS:
  • Overview of CSS and its role in web development.
  • Understanding the separation of content (HTML) and presentation (CSS).
  • Evolution of CSS versions and compatibility considerations.
  • CSS Basics:
  • Syntax and basic structure of CSS rules.
  • Inline, internal, and external CSS stylesheets.
  • Applying styles to HTML elements using selectors (element, class, ID, attribute).
  • CSS Box Model:
  • Understanding the concept of the box model (content, padding, border, margin).
  • Applying box model properties: width, height, padding, border, margin.
  • Box sizing: content-box vs. border-box model.
  • Typography and Fonts:
  • Setting font properties: font-family, font-size, font-weight, font-style, etc.
  • Applying text formatting: color, text-align, text-decoration, text-transform, etc.
  • Using Google Fonts and custom web fonts.
  • Colors, Backgrounds, and Gradients:
  • Specifying colors using color names, HEX codes, RGB, RGBA, HSL, HSLA.
  • Creating background colors and images with background properties.
  • Using CSS gradients (linear and radial) for stylish backgrounds.
  • Layout Techniques:
  • CSS display property and its values (block, inline, inline-block, flex, grid).
  • Creating multi-column layouts using CSS columns.
  • Positioning elements: static, relative, absolute, fixed.
  • Responsive Design with CSS:
  • Media queries for responsive web design (desktop, tablet, mobile).
  • Designing responsive layouts and elements using CSS Grid and Flexbox.
  • Adaptive vs. responsive design principles.
  • CSS Transitions and Animations:
  • Transitioning property changes smoothly over time.
  • Creating CSS animations using keyframes.
  • Controlling animation duration, timing, and easing functions.
  • CSS Frameworks and Preprocessors:
  • Overview of CSS frameworks (e.g., Bootstrap, Foundation) and their benefits.
  • Introduction to CSS preprocessors (e.g., SASS, LESS) for advanced styling capabilities.
  • CSS Best Practices and Optimization:
  • Writing efficient CSS code: specificity, inheritance, and overriding styles.
  • Optimizing CSS for performance: minification, concatenation, and caching.
  • Browser compatibility and vendor prefixes.


CSS is a fundamental technology used to style and format web pages created with HTML. This course aims to provide participants with a thorough understanding of CSS, covering basic to advanced concepts, selectors, properties, and techniques for creating visually appealing and responsive web designs.


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