

Original price was: ₹3,500.00.Current price is: ₹2,999.00.


  1. Introduction to jQuery:
    • Overview of jQuery library and its benefits.
    • History and evolution of jQuery.
    • Understanding how jQuery simplifies JavaScript code.
  2. Getting Started with jQuery:
    • Setting up jQuery in web projects (download, CDN, integration).
    • Basic syntax and usage of jQuery selectors.
    • Manipulating HTML elements using jQuery methods (e.g., .html(), .text(), .css()).
  3. DOM Manipulation:
    • Traversing and manipulating the Document Object Model (DOM) using jQuery.
    • Creating, removing, and modifying DOM elements dynamically.
    • Handling events (e.g., click, hover, submit) using jQuery event methods.
  4. jQuery Effects and Animations:
    • Applying visual effects and animations to elements (e.g., show/hide, fade, slide).
    • Customizing animations and controlling their speed and timing.
    • Using jQuery UI for advanced user interface interactions (optional topic).
  5. AJAX with jQuery:
    • Making asynchronous requests using jQuery AJAX methods (e.g., $.ajax(), $.get(), $.post()).
    • Handling responses (JSON, XML, HTML) and updating DOM dynamically.
    • Implementing error handling and managing AJAX events.
  6. jQuery Plugins:
    • Overview of jQuery plugins and their role in extending jQuery functionality.
    • Finding, evaluating, and integrating jQuery plugins into web projects.
    • Customizing and configuring plugins to meet specific requirements.
  7. Performance Optimization:
    • Best practices for optimizing jQuery code for performance.
    • Minification and compression techniques.
    • Handling browser compatibility issues and fallbacks.
  8. Advanced Topics (Optional):
    • Deferred objects and promises in jQuery.
    • Using jQuery for form validation and manipulation.
    • Integrating jQuery with other JavaScript libraries and frameworks (e.g., Bootstrap).


jQuery is a fast, small, and feature-rich JavaScript library designed to simplify client-side scripting in HTML. This course is designed to equip participants with the foundational knowledge and practical skills needed to effectively use jQuery for web development projects.


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